In this video, Daniel learns how to estimate the length of different objects using the units inch, foot and yard.
In this video, Daniel uses inches on a ruler to estimate the length and height of various objects.
In this video, Jackson uses a centimeter ruler to estimate the length of various objects.
In this video, Daniel uses a meter stick to estimate the length of various objects.
In this video, Emily learns how to read numerical data from bar graphs.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between milligrams and grams.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between milliliters and liters.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between meters and kilometers.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between pounds and tons.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between quarts and pints.
In this video, Carlos learns how to convert between yards, feet, and inches.
In this video, Emily learns how to calculate the volumes of irregular figures by combining volumes.
In this video, Emily learns the formula to calculate the volume of a prism.
In this video, Zeke learns different ways of calculating angles using known angles.
In this video, Emily learns how to present numerical data with pictographs.