Use these educational videos and activities to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the historical events…
Learn about the ancient traditions and modern celebrations of the Chinese New Year. These videos and classroom…
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on January 21, 2019. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King with these…
Water covers more than 3/4 of Earth's surface. Watch this animation to learn about the water cycle and how the water…
Learn about the origins of Halloween traditions through these educational videos and activities. Students will learn…
Students look for signals and explicit signs to help them navigate the classroom. The teacher face is a great way to…
Use these educational videos and activities on hand washing and germ prevention to teach kids why good hand washing…
In this video, Breathe For Change founder, Iliana, explains and models the Two Word Check In strategy.
Introduce young kids to the physics of sound. Watch this video to learn how objects and animals make sounds with…
On World Read Aloud Day and every day, make your read-aloud fun and interactive with the suggestions in these…
In this video, Breathe For Change founder, Iliana, explains and models the Chime Time strategy.
Introduce preschoolers and young children to the fun of origami while building essential skills with this charming,…
Candlewick Press children's author Aaron Becker answers 5 questions (plus one!) about the writing process, character…
Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May. Learn about the history and traditions of Memorial Day with these…
This science video explains the stages in the life cycle of a monarch butterfly.
Watch and learn how scientists use the scientific method to find answers. Do seeds need water to grow? To answer this…
Let's examine bird beak anatomy. Which bird beak can crush seeds – a Heron's or a Cardinal's? Watch the animation in the…
Groundhog Day is February 2. Spark your students' interest about groundhogs such as Punxsutawney Phil, and the history…
Fourth-grade teacher Lisa Koplik explains how to make a group contract to keep kids on track throughout the…
If a student fails to ask for help, a conversation with parents or guardians might be necessary. That way, a teacher can…
When a student is having a hard time asking for help, allowing them to submit written questions on 3x5 cards can open up…
Homemade playdough is easy (and fun!) to make! Save yourself some time and money at the craft store and try out these…
In this video, Breathe For Change founder, Ilana, explains and model the Three Collective Breaths strategy.
In this video, Breathe For Change founder, Iliana, explains and models the Hopes N'Dreams strategy.