Use these educational videos and activities to learn about the Declaration of Independence and the historical events…
Learn about the ancient traditions and modern celebrations of the Chinese New Year. These videos and classroom…
Know the punctuation you need in every situation. This grammar song explains when to use commas, parentheses,…
Listen to this grammar song to get an explanation of three forms of punctuation: commas, quotations, and parentheses.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on January 21, 2019. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King with these…
Learn about George Washington, the first president of the United States. Though these educational videos and related…
Learn about the origins of Halloween traditions through these educational videos and activities. Students will learn…
Learn how Thanksgiving became a national holiday. Each educational video on the history of Thanksgiving is paired with…
Students look for signals and explicit signs to help them navigate the classroom. The teacher face is a great way to…
This 3rd grade mathematics video from Genius Plaza covers word problems. Students will learn how to spot the "clues"…
Use these educational videos and activities on hand washing and germ prevention to teach kids why good hand washing…
A sentence is a group of words that begin with a capital letter. This video shows the two parts of a sentence: the…
Can you spot the preposition? Enhance your grammar lesson with a music video featuring a doo-wop song about…
Review how pronouns replace nouns with this grammar rap song. This music video gives examples of nouns replaced by…
Study the life and accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Though these educational…
In this video, Breathe For Change founder, Iliana, explains and models the Two Word Check In strategy.
In this video, Jackson uses his multiplication facts to divide by 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Contractions are two words joined as one. See how two words become one to form a contraction in this grammar song.
What's the function of a preposition? This jammin' grammar song reviews the object of the preposition and prepositional…
This grammar song reviews the purpose of verbs, adverbs, comparative adverbs, and superlative adverbs.
In this video, Breathe For Change founder, Iliana, explains and models the Chime Time strategy.
In this video, Alex learns how to do subtraction in parts using place values
This video lesson demonstrates how to use arrays to find products. How many shampoo bottles can the display hold? To…
Candlewick Press children's author Aaron Becker answers 5 questions (plus one!) about the writing process, character…