In shared writing, the teacher and students compose text together, with both contributing their thoughts and ideas to…
Learn and apply this key writing technique Summarizing is more than retelling; it involves analyzing information,…
Learn how to incorporate journaling in your classroom. Teachers can use journaling as a kind of window into how students…
Definitions of words that help students write different types of essays.
The foundations of journalistic writing are examined here, including a focus on the "5 W's and 1 H" and the difference…
Writing aloud, or modeled writing, is a strategy wherein teachers use a "think aloud" strategy to share their thinking…
A writing workshop is a block of time set aside in the school day to focus exclusively on the writing process.
Author’s Chair is the final step in the writing process. Read our guide to learn about this strategy, its purpose, and…
Improve students' writing skills with these 25 ways to motivate young writers.
An important task of reading comprehension is to determine the importance and meanings of individual words, sentences,…
The organization, elements of comparison/contrast writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece…
The writing conference is a one-on-one strategy, that takes place between the student writer and the teacher.
General suggestions for improving students' study skills.
How to use footnotes and endnotes in a research paper.
Tips for revising the first draft of a research paper.
Table of Contents: How I Teach Elementary Writing Why I Teach Writing Create a Writing-Centered…
Instructions for taking effective notes in class or from a textbook.
Peer response and editing are processes through which students respond to and provide feedback on their peers' writing.…
How to identify important information and take useful notes for a research paper.
Families are a powerful influence in children's academic development. When family members are involved in student…
Writing about mathematics helps students articulate their thinking, and provides useful information for teachers about…
A complete transcript of the premier showing of Authors Live, with Newbery Award-winning author Jerry Spinelli. Mr.…
Suggestions for revising the first draft of an essay.
A list of project your students can complete when reading Barbara Robinson's novel The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.