Includes role-play activities that help reinforce learning! Students learn basic treatment for common wounds and medical…
Distribute an article that gives discipline strategies and behavior management tips to use in the music classroom.
Improve outcomes with this impactful assessment strategy Learn how to design and implement a portfolio assessment…
Asking students for quick answers is a bad idea. Here's why. You ask a lot of questions in class - and probably get…
Make a Table is a problem-solving strategy that students can use to solve mathematical word problems by writing the…
Distractions and disruptions can derail your best classroom management plans and de-focus both you and your students.…
A list of proactive measures that can be taken to keep order in your classroom.
Here is a list of activities that speak to each intelligence.
Prepare your students for taking tests by helping them learn these strategies This resource will help students to…
Learn about activities and support systems commonly found in successful inclusion programs.
These science printables provide great teaching ideas for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. Unlock the wonder…
Prepare yourself for your first day teaching at the elementary level with these ideas, including getting to know your…
Stimulate your 6th-grade students' critical thinking skills, with our most popular literature printables. Encouraging…
Whether you need classroom layout ideas, planning templates, or advice on grading and assessment, this collection of…
Test your students' geography skills, with quizzes on topics ranging from using a map, to state capitals, to…
Special educators show how to design and deliver lessons that are truly inclusive Developing lesson plans and…
Eliminating Possibilities is a problem-solving strategy in which students remove possible answers until the correct…
The general guidelines for setting limits with all ages of children are listed here. New teachers will find this list…
This behavior management technique includes ways to focus on the good behavior a child displays.
Learn the correct way to use objectives when creating lesson plans New teachers will find this resource particularly…
At literacy centers, students work alone or interact with one another using instructional materials to explore and…
Use these tips from experienced teachers to get your classroom organized and keep it that way for the whole year.
Differentiated curriculum is individualized to meet the diverse needs of all the students in one class.
Check out these human body printables to find great teaching ideas for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade science classes.…