Ensure students don't get left behind by modeling learning strategies.
Some children are both gifted and have Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Diagnosing and working with these…
Teachers, find the perfect end-of-year gift for your students! These ten creative gift ideas are low-cost and easy to…
This slideshow contains summer reading suggestions for teachers interested in reading for pleasure or professional…
Effective ways for students to use verbal response as an assessment accommodation.
The Rodney King incident exposed racism in the L.A. police department, and triggered five days of violent rioting.
These initial steps will help immensely in preparing the right kind of instructional environment for English-language…
Find out what must be in your child's Individualized Education Program.
Get advice on integrating technology into your classroom.
Tips for revising the first draft of a research paper.
High-stakes standardized testing has increased in importance. Read one teacher's analysis of merit pay based on testing…
Tracy Heibeck, an expert in child development explains how to use multiple intelligences to increase students'…
5 practical, hands-on strategies for addressing reading comprehension issues that accompany Autism Spectrum Disorder…
Get students the facts they need to make healthy decisions. This collection of smoking-prevention lessons, printables,…
Some very special children are both learning disabled and gifted. These children can be difficult to identify and…
An explanation of what school administrators expect from and look for in job candidates.
Internet Inquiries are used to help students develop research skills by finding Internet resources.
A brief guide to understanding and supporting students with autism in matching their facial expressions with their…
Use the 100+ strategies, examples, and tips found in this resource to help create opportunities for appropriate social…
Discover thousands of cross-curricular lessons and activities for all grade levels. Find holidays, subject areas, and…
Successful educators of English-language learners who are particularly effective with students with learning…
Post-interview steps to bolster your chances of landing the job.
Traveling near or far this summer? 5 ways to turn your trips into teachable moments! Whether you're road-tripping to…
Discover the importance of homework, how much should be assigned to students, and how you can make creative homework…