Review facts about the Sun and the eight planets in our solar system with this multiple-choice quiz.
Included are worksheets and arts & crafts activities about the earth, the sun, climate, solids and liquids, rocks,…
Develop student science skills with an activity that focuses on facts about the sun.
Correctly define terms related to the Sun and other stars to solve this word puzzle. This space-science printable…
Students measure a paper plate, then step back five steps and measure it again, to understand why the sun looks smaller…
Students learn about the sun through this science reading passage. Use the reading comprehension questions in this…
Students color and draw objects that they saw in the daytime sky.
Quiz students about how the Sun affects Earth's weather with these multiple-choice questions.
Students use this graphic organizer to record sunrise and sunset times. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF…
Using their own shadows and the shadow of a paper child on a globe, students learn through a simulation how the sun's…
Distribute an article that explains why the first day of autumn in the Southern hemisphere occurs in March
Students can explore the intensity of the sun. Use this printable following Shifting Sun Part I.
An article listing the dates and places of eclipses occurring between 2005 and 2015.
Help students learn about the process by which energy from the sun becomes electrical energy with this printable about…
Students compare surface temperatures and make inferences about light and dark surfaces, sunlight, and temperature.…
Suggest a family activity to parents that includes home projects and vocabulary words related to the sun, planets, and…
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to the sun, moon, and planets.
Students measure the diameter of a model of Earth (a peppercorn) and a model sun (a 33-cm circle of poster board) and…
Students use a piece of string and a metric ruler to measure the length of shadows made from the sun at different times…
Students use plastic-foam balls and flashlights to model how sunlight reaches different parts of the earth at different…
Ask students to interpret how radiation from the sun affects or enables the pictured activity with this printable…
Students draw shadows and identify their source.
Students write about shadows at different times of the day.
Students write a hypothesis and design an experiment to test it.