Students draw objects that they might see in the nighttime sky.
Students make and then connect dots to show star patterns.
To complete the fill-in-the-blank and skill challenge sections in this astronomy printable, students will examine the…
Through these literature-based enrichment activities, students will practice math skills as they learn about the solar…
Using reference materials, students will research what transit means in astronomy and draw the transit of Mercury and…
Correctly define terms related to the motions of Earth, the Sun, and the Moon to solve a word puzzle. This printable…
Match astronomy terms with their descriptions and complete statements about the solar system in this space science…
This worksheet gives students practice identifying telescopes and explaining their differences. They will identify the…
Enrich your study of space science with this printable. After matching terms about satellites and space probes with…
This worksheet reviews the purpose and features of space stations. In this printable, students will label the parts of a…
Write the astronomy term that best fits each description, then use your answers to solve the puzzle. In this vocabulary…
Test students' knowledge and understanding of space exploration with this printable astronomy exam. Students will…
Review the formation of the solar system using the questions in this space-science printable. As a skill challenge,…
Integrate physical and Earth science with this worksheet about the physics of the solar system. Students will use…
Study the moons of other planets with this worksheet about satellites in the solar system. Students will research the…
Identify and compare the surface features, position, and characteristics of Mercury, Venus, and Earth in this…
Students review what they know about Mars and compare the planet's features to Earth's in this space-science worksheet.
Enrich your study of the solar system with this worksheet about asteroids and meteoroids. Students will complete…
As students identify statements about Jupiter and Saturn in this worksheet, they will compare the characteristics of…
Evaluate true/false statements about Uranus, Neptune, and the dwarf planets in this worksheet. Then, complete a table to…
Review what a comet is with the vocabulary review and diagramming activity in this space-science printable. Students…
Complete this crossword puzzle about the solar system to solve the word puzzle. Use this printable to review…
Review the color and temperature of stars with this space science printable. Students will correct false statements…
Magnitude is a measure of a star's brightness. Use the sentence-completion and diagram in this space science printable…