Use this rubric to assess students' performance level in designing a scientific experiment. The ten-point scale makes it…
Assess students' performance level for scientific lab activities and lab reports with this rubric. The ten-point scale…
With this printable book of science lab skills, students learn lab terms, how to perform experiments, and more. This…
Develop science skills with this printable worksheet. Students will decide which process they would use in a given…
Students note the things that they observe on this main idea chart. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to…
Students learn about classification systems and how they are used in science. They are given tips for classifying, they…
Students learn about scientific hypotheses. They are given tips for developing hypotheses and practice properly wording…
Use this printable to help students design a scientific experiment. Students will identify a problem, form a hypothesis,…
Enhance science skills with an activity that focuses on tools used by scientists.
In this printable activity, children are asked to identify errors made in a science experiment.
Use this worksheet to review science laboratory rules and safety symbols with your students.
Use this printable to further explore with students the steps involved in the scientific method.
Students learn about physical models and mental models, and how they are used in science. They are given model-making…
Students learn how oral and written communication are used in science. They are given tips for communicating in science,…
Students learn how scientists go about designing and performing an experiment. They consider why scientists devote so…
Students learn the importance of creating data tables as part of scientific experiments. They are given tips for…
Help your students improve basic science laboratory skills, with these worksheets and activities. All of these…
Browse a printable teacher resource book that contains plenty of fun and educational activities. Students will perform…
Students use a chart to record the different eye colors and hair colors of their classmates.
Evaluate students' knowledge of laboratory equipment with this printable. Have students label the main parts of the…
Organize a scientific lab report by using this printable to keep track of the title, background information, purpose,…
Use the questions in this worksheet to assess students' understanding of the scientific method.
Test your students' ability to follow directions with this printable activity.
Children will learn how to classify objects, with help from this printable science worksheet.