The text of the United States Pledge of Allegiance.
A chart listing the population of the United States from 1970 - 2004, with estimates by sex, and race.
A chart listing which of the U.S. states received the most immigrants in 2001.
Did you know that there are more than 1,000 languages spoken in Africa? To learn more, view this article.
A chart listing the fifty most widely spoken languages in the world.
An article explaining the classification of dinosaurs.
The first of four articles answering questions about dinosaurs. This article covers the following issues: when dinosaurs…
The second of four articles answering questions about dinosaurs. This article covers the following issues: how dinosaurs…
The third of four articles answering questions about dinosaurs. This article covers the following issues: what dinosaurs…
The last of four articles answering questions about dinosaurs. This article covers the following issues: what colors…
An article dispelling myths about various explorers.
Read this profile of New Mexico to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of New York to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of North Dakota to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of Ohio to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find interesting…
Read this profile of Oklahoma to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of Oregon to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of Pennsylvania to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of Rhode Island to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of South Dakota to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of Tennessee to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…
Read this profile of Texas to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find interesting…
Read this profile of Utah to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find interesting…
Read this profile of Vermont to learn about the state's history, points of interest, and government. Also find…