A brief article about Jame Baldwin, including related resources.
Learn more about the life of track and field star Jesse Owens.
Learn about Civil Rights leader James Meredith, who in 1961 was denied admission to the University of Mississippi…
Short article about Barbara Jordan.
A brief article about jazz musician Louis Armstrong.
A brief biographical article about Muhammad Ali and this athletic career accomplishments.
A brief article about Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
A brief biography about Paul Robeson.
A brief article about actor and director Sidney Poitier.
A brief article about civil rights activist Rosa Parks.
A brief article about former Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Learn more about the life of contemporary novelist Toni Morrison.
Learn more about the life of Langston Hughes, American poet and central figure of the Harlem Renaissance.
Article about Carter Woodson, the "father of Black History Month."
A brief article about Andrew Young.
A brief article about Malcolm X.
An article about writer Richard Wright.
The study of Black history was not begun until the Twentieth Century. This article explains why and gives information…
The amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Read a brief history of Wilma Rudolph, aka La Gazella, who was an African American track star and three-time gold…
An article outlining the Harlem Renaissance and its major players.
A list of Coretta Scott King Award winners; the award is given by the American Library Association to authors and…
Encourage reading comprehension, critical thinking, and thought-provoking classroom conversation with the questions in…
Use the lesson planning resources in this printable guide to Harriet Jacobs's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl to…