Show students how creating a scatter plot can show a relationship between two different sets of data.
Use this vocabulary list with the "Expedition to Egypt" lesson.
Students are asked to suggest a probable and an improbable scenario for several situations.
Students explore probability in a qualitative manner.
Students are given a set of data that they must use to make decisions.
Students use a stem-and-leaf plot and number lists to solve problems about range, mode, and median.
Students use a graph to answer questions about mean.
Students use critical thinking skills to answer division and probability problems.
Distribute this packet of worksheets to give students practice in answering division and probability problems.
Students use a table of the speeds and the number of Earth days it takes planets to revolve around the Sun to practice…
Students determine whether various statements are impossible, unlikely, equally likely as unlikely, likely, or certain.
Students determine whether various situations are fair or unfair, by exploring the probability of the outcome of each…
Students answer questions to demonstrate their ability to determine possible outcomes.
Students demonstrate their ability to determine the probability of various scenarios.
Students explore survey data and make predictions about the data.
Students order fractions, plot the data on a graph, and then answer questions.
Students employ critical thinking skills to solve ratio, percent, and probability math problems.
Students employ decision making skills to solve math problems.
Students make a scale drawing on grid paper of their school's auditorium and stage, and then answer questions.
Students determine if the game in each exercise is fair or unfair.
Students use a ratio table to answer questions about prediction.
Students make predictions based on the results of their experiment.
Students determine the probability for each situation, and express the answer as a fraction.
Students explore the expected and experimental answers to probability problems.