To encourage critical reading, teachers should ask students questions about the text before, during, and after they…
This gallery features information on children's author Eric Carle's 10 best books. Each slide also features a related…
Enhance reading abilities with an activity that enriches and expands children's language and emergent literacy skills.
Vocabulary development is critical to success in reading To develop students' vocabulary, teachers must encourage a…
Review the enrichment activities and web resources created for The Very Hungry Caterpillar, plus a bibliography of Eric…
Use a variety of repeated reading activities to improve reading skills.
Use this activity with The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter to enrich children's language and emergent literacy…
This list of recommended summer reading for grades pre-K through primary is provided by Penguin Young Readers Group and…
Enhance reading abilities with an activity about Ezra Jack Keats's book The Snowy Day that enriches and expands…
Use Ezra Jack Keats's book Whistle for Willie to enhance children's reading abilities. Discussion prompts, activities,…
Laura Joffe Numeroff's humorous book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie tells the story of a demanding mouse and the child who…
Celebrate imagination with early learning activities—including arts and crafts—for The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse…
Create a summer reading list students will look forward to with book recommendations by grade, reading level, and theme.…
Enhance reading abilities with an activity that enriches and expands children's language and emergent literacy skills…
Make Way for Ducklings is the ideal book to entertain and teach with. This lesson plan includes activities and resources…
Encourage critical thinking by asking pupils questions before, during, and after reading Subway Ride, a book that takes…
Aid students' vocabulary development by acting out the meaning of new or difficult words. Associating the word with body…