Bats are the second largest order of mammals, and they play a critical role in the ecosystem. The Bat Scientists…
Journey through history to learn how sea turtles came to be endangered, and what scientists like Dr. Kimberly Stewart…
The Elephant Scientist traces scientist Caitlin O'Connell's careful research process that led to a ground-breaking…
The outstanding writing and photographs in The Snake Scientist will capture students' attention as they learn about…
The tapir is South America's largest mammal and one of world's least understood animals. The Tapir Scientist takes…
Connect language arts, social studies, and biology through an engaging history of cod fishery. This educator's guide to…
Introduce students to the slave narrative genre, then begin an in-depth study with Twelve Years a Slave: Narrative of…
A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave is easy to read; it makes the perfect selection for…
Two Years Before the Mast is a powerful 19th century personal narrative that presents the voice of the common seaman.…
Beyond Magenta, a groundbreaking work of LGBT literature, takes an honest look at the lives, loves, and struggles of…
The Scientists in the Field: Once a Wolf discussion & activity guide, with Common Core connections, reviews Stephen…
Scientists in the Field: Project Seahorse, by Pamela S. Turner, focuses on seahorses and how their environment and…
Connect science, reading, and writing through Common Core-aligned activities in this educator's guide to Animals Upside…
Teach kids all about bears with the informational text Wild About Bears. This printable teacher's guide includes pre-…
This brochure features engaging STEM titles and series for grades K-8. Find fiction and nonfiction books that will help…
Learn about the life and work of primatologist Jane Goodall with your students. Use the questions in this guide for Up…
Share the incredible story of how 33 Chilean miners survived living underground for months following the San José mine…
Use this reader's guide for The First White House Garden and How It Grew to extend students' learning about the history…
This literature guide to Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: The Story Behind an American Friendship includes a…
Enrich your study of the human body with this printable activity about bones. Students will use an encyclopedia or other…
Discover how Temple Grandin's world-changing career revolutionized the livestock industry, and demonstrate the unique…
Learn all about the kakapo, a critically endangered bird native to New Zealand. This activity guide to Kakapo Rescue:…
Examine the events leading up to Abraham Lincoln's assassination with this teacher's guide for Lincoln's Last Days by…
Learn about Marcel Marceau—the world's most famous mime—through discussion questions and activities for Monsieur…