Define natural resources and conservation. Then classify each item listed in this Earth science printable as a renewable…
Educate students about natural resource conservation with this printable. Students will use reference materials and…
Children choose which packages are the most ecological. This environmentally friendly activity is a perfect way to…
Students design a home and a car of the future, which operate entirely on renewable energy sources. Assesses their…
This unit on land use issues and groundwater principles channels children's enthusiasm about the natural world into…
Suggest a family activity to parents that provides a series of home projects and vocabulary words related to resources…
Students explore ways to conserve, reduce, and reuse items. The value of energy conservation is discussed. This…
Students describe in writing and drawings different ways to conserve paper, water, and fuel.
Students explore Earth's resources by classifying objects as resources that could be completely used up, resources that…
Students write a rule that can be used to protect the land.
Pupils design a postage stamp showing a natural resource.
Students draw objects made of wood.
One way to conserve water is to take showers instead of baths. Find out why, by performing this experiment.
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to the Earth's resources.
Suggest a family activity to parents that focuses on materials of the Earth and natural resource vocabulary words.
This printable guide to recycling and reducing waste in the environment includes an overview of solid waste and…