Supplement The Birchbark House, The Game of Silence, and The Porcupine Year with this teaching guide to the books by…
Give students this quiz to help them learn more about American Indian Heritage: famous people, noteworthy places, and…
Students in grades 5-8 study African and Native American percussion, consider music's cultural relevance, and perform in…
Students read stories told by Native Americans of the Northeast Woodlands, and then complete the accompanying…
Where did the first Native Americans come from? Find out with the reading passage and map in this printable.
Vegetables are an excellent source of many different colors of dye. Learn how Native Americans used natural dyes and…
Make a doll to illustrate a Crow Indian colloquialism, which describes elderly people as having the skin of dried…
Overlooking the Mississippi River in eastern Iowa, there stands a fascinating group of Indian burial mounds. This…
Students build a model Seminole Indian house, like those that were once in present-day Florida.
Students learn about traditional Cherokee dishes, and what it took to make them. This printable about Native Americans…
Students learn about the participation of Native Americans in the Civil War.
Here's a brief biography of General George Armstrong Custer, as well as a recounting of his infamous last stand.
This is the story of a group of Cheyennes who decided they would rather die than leave their home. This printable…
Native Americans used every part of the buffalo they hunted. When the animals became extinct, so did the people's way of…
Students learn the names of the months on the Arapaho lunar calendar, and how they correspond to the Gregorian calendar.
This traditional game of dexterity was originally played by natives of the Great Plains using hollow parts of deer bone.
The salmon's life cycle is one of the most interesting of all Earth's creatures. This story told by Natives of the…
Learn about Native Americans through arts and crafts. In this activity, students make a model of a kiva, which is a type…
Students make a corn darts game similar to the one played by Native Americans in the Southwest.
This reading describes the clash between Native Americans and white settlers in California.
Your students will discover the values of the natives of California by reading some of their traditional stories. Use…
Students can make a necklace out of corn! This arts and crafts activity is perfect for celebrating Thanksgiving or for…
Enrichment activities, web resources, and literature tie-ins related to Zitkala-Sa's collection American Indian Stories,…
Have your students learn how to play an old Native American game. This Cheyenne game is fun and easy to learn!