Use this packet of worksheets to strengthen students' multiplication and division skills.
Distribute this packet of worksheets to review addition and subtraction.
Students track the paths of two buses -- one that only stops at houses that are multiples of 2, and another that only…
Students use the clues to solve word problems that involve multipliers and divisors.
Students draw pictures to answer math problems.
The worksheet lists items for students to count by 2's.
Students explore repeated addition as a way of introducing multiplication.
Students are presented with pictures of grouped items and are asked to write a multiplication equation describing the…
Students explore doubling a recipe, and multiplication by single numbers.
Students search a hundred chart in order to find the multiples of two and of five.
Students practice multiplication problems that include zero and one.
Students practice multiplication problems that include multiples of three.
Students practice multiplication problems that involve the number four.
Students explore multiplication problems that involve insects and the number six.
Students practice multiplication problems that involve the numbers seven and eight.
Students practice decision-making by identifying information in a problem, and deciding how to utilize it.
Students use patterns to find all multiples of three and six in a hundred chart.
Through shading a hundred table, students gain understanding of the pattern of multiples.
Distribute this packet of worksheets to provide a set of data and asks students to make decisions using multiplication…
Use this packet of worksheets as a review of multiplication skills.
Students practice multiplication and division.
Using multiplication and division facts, students determine and complete the patterns.
Students explore various methods of completing multiplication problems that include the number 10.
Students practice using grid paper as a multiplication aid. This worksheet will be useful for a variety of mathematics…