Students use mental math and multiplication properties while working with measurements in the metric system.
Students multiply whole numbers to solve word problems.
Students use a hundred chart to find multiples.
Students employ decision making skills to choose between two comparable items.
Students explore decimal patterns involving multiplication as they solve math word problems.
Students solve story problems using decimals and whole numbers.
Students use grids to explore decimal multiplication.
Students solve story problems by multiplying decimals by decimals.
Students solve word problems using zeros in decimals.
Students must answer each question before they find the quotient.
Using this math printable, students practice their math and problem-solving skills dividing decimals to solve word…
Students use multiplication exercises to compare the prices of items in the 1900s to today's prices.
Distribute this packet of worksheets to build students' decision making skills through the use of multiplication and…
Students complete each pattern, noting what each of the numbers has in common (such as all are multiples of three,…
Students practice their problem-solving math skills by demonstrating an understanding of naming and writing equivalent…
Students review the meaning of multiplication by answering multiplication word problems.
Students use half of a hundred chart to explore patterns in multiplying by 0, 1, 2, 5, and 9.
Give students multiplication practice with 3 and 4 as factors, using word problems with a printable worksheet.
Give students multiplication practice with 6, 7, and 8 as factors, using word problems with a printable worksheet.
Students use a hundred chart to explore patterns in multiples of 10, 11, and 12.
Students use the provided facts, data, and chart to answer questions.
Students use a map of a cross-country track route to answer measurement questions.
Distribute this printable worksheet that introduces students to writing multiplication and division stories.
Distribute this printable worksheet that strengthens students' skills in determining patterns in data, using a number…