In this worksheet, students are shown several pictures and asked to match them to the correct problem. Next they are…
In this worksheet, students are asked to write a multiplication or division sentence to solve several word problems.
In this worksheet, students are asked to write a multiplication or division sentence to solve two-part problems.
In order to complete a table, students practice using multiplication and division.
Students are presented with several rows of multiplication and division problems. They are asked to solve the problems…
In this worksheet puzzle, students are practicing their logical reasoning skills. They are asked to use clues in the…
Students are asked a series of questions based on a box of tea bags. The solutions use multiplication, division,…
Students are shown a number tower that contains multiples of 31.They are asked to use the tower to answer several…
Students are asked to find the missing number in each pair and explain what patterns exist.
In this worksheet students are asked to solve digit puzzles. They need to find the largest product and smallest quotient…
Students are asked to solve problems that use various operations within the same problem. They are given the first two…
In this worksheet, students are asked to complete estimates for several multiplication and division problems.
In this worksheet, a class is counting by 5,000s to reach one million. Students are asked to fill in the next number in…
Students are presented with several different incomplete situations. They are asked to complete each situation to show a…
In this worksheet, students practice solving the same problem in two different ways. They are asked to write two…
In this worksheet students are asked to create solution strategies using a given first step. They must use this step to…
In this worksheet, students work on their estimating skills. For each problem they must complete the estimate and tell…
Students are asked to solve a cluster of related multiplication problems and then use the answers to divide a larger…
In this worksheet, students work on breaking larger products into smaller parts. They must use cluster problems to solve…
In this worksheet, students use number sense and logical reasoning to choose the closer of two estimates.
Students are given several problems and asked to use the closest multiple of ten to make estimates.
Students are given several numbers and are asked to write one multiplication sentence and two division sentences for…
Students are given several situations and are asked to write a multiplication or division problem using a "?" to…
Students are shown number towers with missing numbers. They are asked to write in the missing numbers for each tower.