This 40-minute latitude and longitude lesson plan will help students understand how latitude and longitude are used to…
This black and white outline map features North America, and prints perfectly on 8.5 x 11 paper. It can be used for…
Use this printable map with your students to provide a political and physical view of the Western Hemisphere. After…
A great hands-on, supplemental activity to a map skills unit! A simple geography printable gives your class the chance…
Birmingham or Montgomery? Austin or Houston? Detroit or Lansing? This U.S. map with state capitals is a great way to…
This printable outline map of the world provides a latitude and longitude grid. Use this social studies resource to help…
Distribute this printable worksheet that is to be used as a supplement to the Latitude and Longitude Lesson Plan.…
Use this printable colorful map with your students to provide a physical view of the world. After learning about this…
Blank world map worksheet with countries - outline, non-labeled template with borders - print or download. Blank World…
Study U.S. geography with this printable map of U.S. Regions. This will help you teach your students about the different…
This blank map of the New England area with the states outlined is a great printable resource to teach your students…
Use a printable outline map with your students that depicts the southeast region of the United States to enhance their…
Distribute a printable social studies activity to your students that focuses on identifying and categorizing geographic…
Young children will develop their mapping skills as they help Dora find her way to the blueberry patch, in this…
This blank map of the Mid-Atlantic region with states outlined is a great printable resource to teach your students…
Students create a poster about Australia using fact sheets and a map.
Use a printable outline map that depicts the western United States. It can be used as a reference tool as students…
Use this resource to review basic map and globe facts in this mini-book with students. Your students will have a no…
Use this substitute teacher kit for grades 7-8 that focuses on the development of geography skills.
Use this printable map with your students to provide a political and physical view of Australia and New Zealand. After…
These printable mapping activities are sure to keep your students engaged in learning geography. There are crossword…
This blank map of USA with states outlined is a great printable resource to teach your students about the geography of…
Students use reference materials to gather information about the United States.
With this slideshow, you'll discover great maps and geography-related activities to utilize in the classroom. All of…