This printable black and white state map of Arizona includes all of the physiographic features for the state, and can be…
Blank outline map of Hawaii.
Blank outline map of Utah with state capital.
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on compass directions.
Using a map of the United States, children will identify the states with cold winters.
Use this Maryland state map to help students learn about its physical geography, including borders, state capital,…
Outline map of Ohio with state physiography.
This printable black and white state map of Delaware includes the location of the capital city. Students can print,…
This printable map of the Southeastern United States can be colored and labeled as part of a quiz, test, or project.…
This printable black and white state map of Utah includes all of the physiographic features for the state, and can be…
This printable black and white state map of Massachusetts includes all of the physiographic features for the state, and…
Use this Minnesota state map to help students learn about its physical geography, including borders, state capital,…
Use this Montana state map to help students learn about its physical geography, including borders, state capital,…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on map and globe terminology.
Learn geographic terms by studying how they are related to each other.
Geographical analogies.
Decide which geographical statement is true out of four choices.
Students re-write incorrect geographical statements.
Students learn about characteristics of U.S. regions by taking this printable geography quiz.
Students practice reading a grid as a map. This printable can be used as an introduction to a lesson teaching students…
Use a printable outline map that depicts the state of Alabama.
Use a printable outline map that depicts the state of Arkansas.
Use a printable outline map that depicts the state of Georgia.
Use a printable outline map that depicts the state of Indiana.