Develop your students' Internet browsing skills with this printable computer activity. Students research a city or…
In this printable computer activity, students develop their Internet browsing skills as they learn about the human body.
Students practice using the World Wide Web as they research local and international weather on the Internet and complete…
In this computer lesson, students use the Internet to research hieroglyphs. Then they use a word processing program to…
School pride is enhanced with the creation of a class School Fact Book.
Have your class create a Community Book to learn about their surroundings.
Employing a map's key, symbols, and scale, students will read a map of their classroom correctly in order to find a…
The search for the maritime Northwest Passage was highly prized but never fulfilled during the "Age of Discovery."
It is as important to listen to a different opinion as it is to question it. This printable social studies activity…
Explain why the Articles of Confederation failed to properly govern the newly formed United States.
Students gather data and construct a graph about their classmates' favorite authors.
Find out which books are most popular in the school by gathering and graphing data.
Consult reference materials to verify statements contained in realistic fiction selections.
On a map, trace a character's travels in a story.
Create a bookmark for a realistic fiction story.
Find tips to motivate your students to read in the classroom.
Students make a flipbook of the moon to view the various phases.
Use a lesson that explains how stars form constellations.
Students learn the distances between the planets in our solar system.*This activity includes Pluto as a planet, even…
Teach students about the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
In this poetry activity, students will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge of cause and effect.
In this activity, students explore the possibilities for nonverbal communication and emotion.
Explore an activity that incorporates reading, drawing and critical thinking into a poetry lesson.
In this computer lesson, students learn how to create a newsletter using a word processor. Students should first be…