The first thing most people notice about weather is the temperature. This activity will show you how to make a…
A hands-on science activity will help students to understand the effects of pressure exerted on snow and the forming of…
With a student-made weather station and/or the Internet, students measure weather in a variety of ways, write about…
Become an instant expert on weather. Find motivational mini-lessons and the reference material you need to reinforce key…
Celebrate winter with an arts and crafts activity. Each student will create a snowperson for a bulletin board display.…
Build a weather vane and show students how to use it to determine wind direction.
Use this activity to help your students understand some of the many variables that must be taken into account in a study…
Students use brightly colored autumn leaves to create art pieces, in this arts & crafts project. This lesson plan is a…
Introduce your students to a KWL chart that is a graphic organizer for recording what students Know, Want to know, and…
Learn about star crystals and observe snow crystals with your students in this winter lesson plan.
Present an activity that will demonstrate to students how the air holds water vapor.
As part of a weather forecasting lesson, use these PowerPoint slides to show how nature sometimes gives clues to…
In this activity, students will learn about weather fronts. A lesson plan is included.
Use this activity to teach students about the life of clouds.
By observing cloud conditions over a set period of time, pupils discover a link between cloud conditions and weather…
A guide to help prepare for a lesson on the meteorological conditions necessary for fog and clouds to form. See the…
Students use cotton balls, glue, and paper to make models of clouds over a ten-day period, and interpret the results.…
In this winter science activity, your students will learn observational skills while viewing snow.
Teach students about clouds with these activities.
In this activity, students will learn about water vapor and the dew point.
Help students construct a device to measure relative humidity.
Students practice using the World Wide Web as they research local and international weather on the Internet and complete…