This simple KWL chart can be used in all curriculum areas and all grade levels. The activity will keep your students…
Encourage students to think and write creatively with inspiration from photos. This printable packet includes a creative…
This printable word processing lesson provides a creative writing activity. Students use story starters to type complete…
Teach your students the basics of PowerPoint with this computer lesson. Students research a topic and create a…
Extra! Extra! Help your students get the scoop on journalism This printable will teach your students how to be budding…
Students create a slide show about their lives using PowerPoint. Various features of the program are explored in this…
In this project, students will research a notable African-American scientist and then create a social media account for…
Show students how to compute their own grades using the AVERAGE function in Microsoft Excel®. This computer lesson…
Students become familiar with the different types of poetry, including clerihew, diamonte, couplet, limerick, list…
This 2-3 class period unit includes lesson plans, graphic organizers, and a rubric for assessment. In the unit, students…
In this printable computer lesson, students learn the basic format for letter writing. They get practice in word…
Use this lesson for Microsoft Excel® to familiarize your students with simple spreadsheet formulas and features. The…
Students learn the basics of an organization chart in this printable PowerPoint activity on family trees.
In this printable computer activity, students research insects on the Internet and use PowerPoint or AppleWorks to…
Use this lesson plan to teach students about the Moon's phases. This astronomy activity is perfect for elementary and…
Your students probably already know the basics of recycling and why it is important. This unit of printables and…
Use the Internet to teach your students about self-portraits and review the use of similes. Then, have students type…
Bring the wonderful world of DK in to your classroom. Become an instant expert on science and social studies topics…
In this printable computer activity, students research the planets on the Internet and use PowerPoint or AppleWorks to…
Choose one of Taylor Mali's poems to use in this poetry lesson plan. You will discuss how the poem changes in perceived…
For this printable PowerPoint project, students create slides of Halloween word problems for their peers to solve. They…
In this computer activity, students review acrostic poems and compose their own poem on a PowerPoint slide. Then, they…
In this printable computer lesson and activity, students learn the basics of a spreadsheet and create a graph showing…
Familiarize students with the basics of a budget. In this lesson, students learn how to use a spreadsheet to calculate…