In this video, Alex learns to read and write the number 0, and to understand the quantity "none" using comparative…
In this video, Jackson learns to count to 6 and 7 using chairs and apples, and how to label objects with numbers to…
In this video, Jackson learns to count to 8 and 9 using blocks and pennies.
In this video, Jackson learns to count to 10 using snails, counters and a 10-frame.
In this video, Emily learns to compare groups of objects and numbers using a 10-frame.
In this video, Emily learns how to count, write and compare numbers to determine which one is less than the other.
In this video, Daniel learns the concept of addition using addition sentences.
In this video, Daniel builds a basic equation using an addition sentence, incorporating the + sign and explaining that…
In this video, Marta learns how to write a subtraction number sentence, and how to use the minus sign.
In this video, Jada learns to count, read and write the numbers 16 and 17 using groups of 10 and individual numbers.
In this video, Jada learns to count, read and write the numbers 18, 19 and 20 using groups of 10 and individual numbers.
In this video, Carlos learns how to count and write a large number of objects by arranging them into groups of tens and…
In this video, Carlos learns to count forward by tens on a hundred chart.
In this video, Jackson learns the properties of basic three-dimensional geometric shapes by selecting the best shapes…
In this video, Jackson learns to identify and label basic three-dimensional geometric shapes (cube, sphere, cone,…
In this video, Marta learns the concept of capacity, and how to estimate capacity using more, less and simple measuring…
In this video, Marta learns the concept of weight, and the measurement of weight using a scale.
Why does the shape of the moon appear to change? This science animation explains the phases of the moon.
Plants grow in different climates. Use this video to compare the growth of the water lily, cactus, orange tree, and…
This video introduces students to two living things: plants and animals. See how living things grow, change, or move on…
This video demonstrates how water changes physical state from a solid to a liquid to a gas.
This video demonstrates how magnets attract some metal objects.
Watch this video to learn about food chains. A food chain shows how energy moves from one living thing to another.
Watch this video to learn about light and heat, two forms of energy. Energy makes things move or change.