Students will immerse themselves in the poems of Emily Dickinson by writing, researching, drawing, and more.
Students demonstrate their grammar knowledge and improve capitalization skills with worksheets and lessons. All of these…
Discover a variety of research activities using this slideshow of printable worksheets. All of these activities and many…
Develop composition skills with this writing activity about the importance of grandparents. This printable will be a…
Create a memorable storytelling unit for your class with the help of this teacher's guide.
Explain what it means to be a peacemaker. For use with The Gorp's Gift, a story about gun safety and accident…
Print this handout for your students to refer to while they are creating web pages.
Included are worksheets where students can practice pluralizing, capitalization, contractions, and other grammar…
You'll see many worksheets and activities inside this slideshow, including plenty of grammar help on different parts of…
Students learn nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in-depth through puzzles, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and more. …
Teach your students to write well, with this printable book of activities and exercises. Students will complete, write,…
Creative writing, drawing, and listening extension activities for Anna Harwell Celenza's children's books on classical…
Teachers should use this guide before, during, and after reading Wiggle and Waggle with their class. It contains many…
In this activity, students create book pages illustrating animals that are currently endangered. This activity…
Assign a writing activity that will help children celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving. This printable language arts…
Let your students reflect on how math relates to daily life with this printable math journal.
Use a printable that contains a worksheet for students to write about their homes.
In this creative writing printable, students imagine they've moved to a new state and write a letter to a friend about…
Use this activity to support your students to think about and share what they did this summer. There is space for…
A coloring page that blends large and small objects for hand control Crystal Cat is planting a garden - and children…
Use a School Readiness Activity to provide early literacy thinking experiences for preschool children that will prepare…
Learn about Dyslexia, the most prevalent type of learning disability.
Children can neatly and easily organize information about the adventures of Curious George with this printable book…
Students answer what they would do if they found a gun. For use with The Gorp's Gift, a story about gun safety and…