Study the life of Barack Obama with the resources in this literature guide to Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of…
Create a pop-up book about George Washington that recounts his military service, presidency, and legacy.
A biography of Gerald Rudolph Ford.
A biography of James Earl Carter, Jr.
A biography of Ronald Wilson Reagan.
A biography of George Herbert Walker Bush.
A biography of William Jefferson Clinton.
A chart listing presidential pets.
A biography of Abraham Lincoln.
A biography of Thomas Jefferson.
A biography of James Monroe.
A biography of John Quincy Adams.
A biography of Andrew Jackson.
A biography of Martin Van Buren.
A biography of William Henry Harrison.
A biography of John Tyler.
A biography of James Knox Polk.
A biography of Zachary Taylor.
A biography of Millard Fillmore.
A biography of Franklin Pierce.
A biography of James Buchanan.
A biography of Andrew Johnson.
A biography of Ulysses Simpson Grant.
A biography of Rutherford Birchard Hayes.