Students cut out pictures of items and paste them in the tank where they believe they would fall. They paste items that…
With this graphic organizer, students sort objects that are lighter or heavier than a pencil into two columns. This…
Students test toys to see how they move.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on manipulating magnets.
With this graphic organizer, students differentiate between electric-powered items and gas-powered items. This printable…
Try a printable science activity that focuses on classifying hot and cold items.
Children draw pictures of sounds heard in and out of the classroom.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on shadows.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on high and low pitches.
Students compare the weights of several objects to the weight of their shoe.
Students color the traffic light: red for stop, yellow for caution, and green for go.
Students explore what happens to a piece of paper with a block on top that is left in the sun.
Send home a printable set of activities, which include a weight guessing game and an exploration of the principles of…
Send home a printable set of activities, which include a sound guessing game and making tea in the sun.
Students identify light and heavy objects.
Students make a hypothesis about whether an eraser will float in water, and circle the corresponding picture. They then…
Students predict which objects will weigh more than a block, and circle them. They underline items that they think will…
Students explore how many small objects it takes to balance out a large object.
Students listen to sound producing objects, with and without cylinders, and then determine which object is the loudest.
Students draw hot and cold objects.
Students draw pictures showing how heat and cold can affect objects.
Students draw a water balloon, both before and after it is frozen.
Students identify missing indoor and outdoor lights, and draw them.
Students draw the shadow shown when a flashlight is shined on an object.