Create lyrics and a melody for your own jingle.
Learn how to make a pirate hat with this Halloween printable. By just following the basic pattern, children can easily…
Extend children's enjoyment of the songs and illustrations in Crocodile Smile through these activities.
Demonstrate relationships between music and other arts with these student activities and teacher strategies for music…
Peruse an article that lists areas that you should investigate before accepting a job offer.
These songs will capture children's attention to help transition between activities.
Enhance musical abilities with an activity that focuses on families of orchestral instruments.
Use this early learning activity for math and music to review terms for instruments. Help Curious George arrange the…
Discover great activities and teaching strategies for using technology to help students read music.
Learn how to make animal-shaped tunic costumes for Halloween, with this printable. Your students will enjoy…
Excellent suggestions for how to get young students singing in class.
This foreward to MENC's Start the Music Strategies, a music teaching guide, will help you learn strategies for teaching…
These suggestions will help you feel ready for an interview.
Review these great hints for getting the teaching job you want.
With this slideshow, you'll discover many art- and music-related activities to enjoy with yours students. All of these…
These rhymes will keep little ones entertained and little hands busy!
Practice working and singing together as you create lyrics for a song about your class!
Explore rhythmic patterns with this music activity.
Sing these silly songs with students and make up new verses.
Help your class discover all that music has to offer them, with the activities in this printable book. Students learn…
Creative writing, drawing, and listening extension activities for Anna Harwell Celenza's children's books on classical…
Teachers should use this guide before, during, and after reading Wiggle and Waggle with their class. It contains many…
Print a worksheet that shows how to make a rounded and scalloped cape for a Halloween costume. This pattern is easy to…
Make a jagged and square-cut cape for Halloween or the school play with this printable pattern.