Blank world map worksheet with countries - outline, non-labeled template with borders - print or download. Blank World…
Young children will develop their mapping skills as they help Dora find her way to the blueberry patch, in this…
These printable mapping activities are sure to keep your students engaged in learning geography. There are crossword…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on man-made geographical features.
Students draw and label two landforms that are in their community.
Introduce children to Japanese art and traditional storytelling as they read Tsunami!, written by Kimiko Kajikawa and…
Explore the many ways Curious George traveled during his adventures. This printable activity uses illustrations to…
Develop students' geography and social studies skills with the activities and discussion questions in this printable…
Bring geography to life with this printable teacher's guide to Ben's Dream, a children's book by Chris Van Allsburg. The…
Students draw and label a body of water.
Children illustrate how water flow changed each time it was poured over a landform.
Integrate math with social studies through these literature-based activities for Nine O'clock Lullaby by Marilyn Singer.…
Handout a printable activity that asks students to locate the United States in North America.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on four landforms.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on land/water identification.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on home address.
Practice Spanish reading comprehension with this Dora the Explorer mapping activity for young children. You can also use…
Use a map key to make comparisons of state sizes.