Use this graphic organizer to help students write in a journalistic fashion. This printable is customizable. Tailor the…
The foundations of journalistic writing are examined here, including a focus on the "5 W's and 1 H" and the difference…
Extra! Extra! Help your students get the scoop on journalism This printable will teach your students how to be budding…
Students practice writing newspaper headlines and identifying parts of speech.
Students learn about the history of the Labor Day holiday and write a newspaper about the various people and…
This reading extension activity is a fun take on a book report. Students will read a story, review the facts, and give…
Extend and enhance students' enjoyment of Rickshaw Girl with this discussion and activity guide. Students interview…
Present this activities to help your students get to know each other. In this icebreaker, students interview a classmate…
Refer to this printable guide before, during, and after reading Multiplying Menace with your class. It includes…
Students write newspaper articles based on photos of scenes from the Charlotte's Web movie.
Use this lesson to explore the newspaper through a variety of academic areas.
Write a short, fictional story based on a newspaper article.
Use these tips for conducting an interview when completing the It's a Storybook Life! lesson, or for any time when you…
Use this sheet to help students format answers to who, what, when, where, and how questions.
Students pretending to be a newscaster broadcasting from Berlin during the 1940s.
Encourage creative thinking with this writing activity about Curious George. This printable packet includes a prompt for…
Students write an introductory paragraph for a newspaper article covering a chariot race at Circus Maximus, which takes…
Students write the introductory paragraph for a newspaper article covering a banquet at a castle during the Middle Ages.
Members of your class imagine themselves to be reporters during the Middle Ages, interviewing a knight who has just…
Students explain why a free press is critical during times of war.
Part 1 of a series. Students write newspaper articles based on events in the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo books.
Students write newspaper articles based on events in the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo books. Part 3 in the series.
Students write newspaper articles based on events in the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo books.
Students learn how to produce their own newspaper about ecology and recycling.