Distribute a reading selection and an assignment on the causes of the increased prevalence of asthma.
Distribute a reading selection and an assignment about the Center for Disease Control and its role in disease…
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates students' understanding of heart rate, muscle fatigue, and the growth of…
Students discuss the stages in the approval of a medicine in the United States, from research and development to…
By creating a list of healthy snacks, students will eat better foods.
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Florence Nightingale.
Interesting facts related to blood banks, blood transfusions, and blood donations.
Students will use the chromosome pair models from lesson three to review typical chromosome pairs. Students will then be…
Present this lesson plan to introduce students to a few disorders that involve networking within the body. Students will…
Students will observe developmental changes in newborn mice and an atypical disorder in adult mice.
Teen suicide is a topic that makes many parents feel at a loss. Help them become more aware and learn more about suicide…
Let parents of at-risk teens know that they are not alone. Share this message from a parent who lost a child to suicide…
This message from a teen gives insight into suicide and depression. Reading it may help prepare your students for…
Help parents talk to their children with this printable, which covers suicide warning signs and points to remember when…
Review types of animal behavior and learning with this science printable. Students will explain innate behavior,…
Review how the human body fights disease. In this printable, students will identify types of immunity and answer…
Use reference materials to research germ theory, bacterial diseases, antibiotics, Robert Koch, Alexander Fleming, and…
Compare the death rate from two infectious diseases in the United States. Students will interpret the graph in this…
Integrate history and science with this printable about illness and disease. Students will use reference materials to…
Review why vitamins are important to the human body with the questions and activities in this science printable.…
Enrich your study of nutrition and the human body with this activity about digestive enzymes and diseases. Students will…
Students will research heart disease, medical treatments, and technology, to answer the questions in this science…
Read the latest information on how HIV is transmitted and the precautions you should take to prevent infection. Use this…
Statistics on AIDS cases in the United States.