A list of animals and the diseases they may carry.
A chart of the occurrence of heavy alcohol use, by age group, race/ethnicity, and sex from 1985-1997.
A chart showing drug use by Americans, 12 years and older.
An explanation of anaerobic versus aerobic exercise.
Students create a model of the path of a nerve impulse that includes an eye, a sensory neuron, an interneuron, and a…
Use a chart to compare and contrast data on your baby teeth and your permanent teeth.
Use this vocabulary list with the Wild Critters lesson.
With this slideshow, you'll see some of the many activities available that will help your students learn about how…
Students complete the word search to learn about different activities they can do with their family.
Students practice muscle training exercises for a number of days, and record their results.
Interesting facts related to blood banks, blood transfusions, and blood donations.
Use this vocabulary worksheet when studying about health and the human body systems.
Distribute a printable set of discussion questions on the pros and cons of antibiotic treatment for illnesses.
Distribute a reading selection and an assignment on new resistance to antibiotics.
Use this vocabulary worksheet when studying about health and nutrition.
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to keeping healthy.
Suggest a family activity to parents that focuses on staying healthy and caring for the human body.
Suggest a family activity to parents that provides a series of home projects and vocabulary words related to keeping…
Students draw and write about how they get exercise each day.
Students look through magazines for images of people involved in healthful activities, and classify the activities.…
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to taking care of your health.
Students fill in a picture with students doing healthy activities.
Students list ways that they can keep their brains healthy.
Students discuss the stages in the approval of a medicine in the United States, from research and development to…