Students cut out action pictures and use the graphic organizer to classify the action as loud or soft. This printable is…
This choice board can be customized to include choice activities for all grades, subjects, and applications. While…
Children can neatly and easily organize information about the adventures of Curious George with this printable book…
Students fill in this dog-themed graphic organizer to explain the problem and solution of the story. This printable is…
This science printable is perfect for use after a walk outdoors; students can list or draw the plants, animals, rocks,…
Young students can use this web to offer ideas about the differences between the seasons. This printable is…
Discover a survey form for recording students' favorite seasons. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…
Students use this graphic organizer to record sunrise and sunset times. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF…
Introduce your students to a KWL chart that is a graphic organizer for recording what students Know, Want to know, and…
With this graphic organizer, students are given the opportunity to draw animals that move by each of the listed ways.…
Students examine soil to see what is in it, and then list the results on the chart. This printable is customizable.…
Use this blank table with assist students with basic addition facts. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to…
Help your students develop their math skills using this resource. This printable contains a graphic organizer mat for…
Use a 2-group sorting map to help students understand place-value. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to…
Graphic organizers are one of the most effective ways for students to capture their thoughts in a logical, productive…
Create effective and achievable goals using this SMART goal template for teachers. Map out specific, measurable,…
Set out your to-do list and prioritize your teacher workload with this handy priorities list. It’s a great tool for the…
Beat procrastination with this Pomodoro Technique worksheet. Perfect for big projects that need completing in a short…
Structure and organize your to-do list with this prioritization template. The FREE template makes use of the ABCDE…
Get ahead of change with this Circle of Control worksheet. This FREE printable template aims to support teachers dealing…
Sleep is an essential part of physical self-care. Increasing the amount of sleep you get each night can have a huge…
Focus on professional self-care and take better care of yourself while teaching with this self-care tracker. It focuses…
Improve your physical wellness with this printable exercise tracker. Set a weekly exercise goal, record the type of…