Students use their critical thinking skills to unscramble names in foreign languages and complete this challenging…
Use puzzles as a way to extend learning and build skills for all students. These puzzles have printable versions and…
Use Mad Libs® books to supplement your English language arts curriculum. They're a fun and engaging way to teach kids…
Learn how you can use Mad Libs© in your classroom to teach reading and language arts. These activities are a fun way to…
As a fun way to practice reading and pronouncing words, try these tongue twisters with your students.
Familiarize children with fire safety terms as they look for vocabulary related to the fire department in this word…
A crossword puzzle on animal habitats.
The top 5 educational game sites for kids offer safe, interactive game-based learning for your classroom. Discover…
You can download Funbrain games to your computer so your students can access them anytime, anywhere. Funbrain has earned…
This Where's Waldo activity kit includes a reproducible colouring page, a drawing activity, a word search, and…
Try to find the hospital-related vocabulary in this word search.
Extend students' enjoyment of the Judy Moody series with a word search, a "Me collage," a Crazy Strip art activity, and…
Try the new and improved, downloadable Math Baseball. It's the most popular math practice game ever invented and…
Take the fun up a notch with our Top 10 Halloween games for kids in grades K-8. Enjoy them all with your class during…
This packet of worksheets includes fun activities about ancient Egypt, Greek mythology, dragons, pirates, monsters, and…
These printable mapping activities are sure to keep your students engaged in learning geography. There are crossword…
The BFG by Roald Dahl is a creative and endearing story about a giant, a girl, and the Queen. This activity uses puzzles…
This crossword puzzle, which uses common recycling words, is a great supplement to a unit on Earth Day or global…
A challenging math puzzle.
Help your students improve science skills with the fun and educational word searches, riddles, mazes, and more! All of…
Pupils will learn about Spoonerisms, instances in speech when the initial letters or syllables of words are switched,…
This printable quiz tests pupils on their knowledge of the rules and history of football, one of the most popular…
Florence Parpart invented the first modern street-cleaning machine. Students will read about this woman inventor and…
Strengthen students' ecology vocabulary with this crossword puzzle.