Fill in the missing numbers in the multiplication and division problems using this 10 times table on this printable math…
Students practice dividing by 4 in this division worksheet. They distribute the food items to each of the 4 plates to…
In this printable math worksheet, students divide the 12 pennies equally. Then, they draw the coins and write the…
Give students practice dividing by 10 in this division worksheet. Students should recognize quickly that dividing…
Solve these horizontal division problems by dividing 1-digit numbers into 2-digit numbers, then determining the…
Solve these long division problems by dividing 1-digit numbers into 2-digit numbers, then determining the remainders.
In this division worksheet, children divide 2-digit, 3-digit, 4-digit, and 5-digit numbers by 10.
These mixed division problems test students' knowledge of a variety of math topics: horizontal division, long division,…
These mixed division problems give students practice with horizontal division, long division, mental math, and dividing…
In this math worksheet, students must choose the operation—multiplication or division—that will complete the number…
Choose whether to multiply or divide to solve the word problems and number sentences in this math worksheet. For the…
This worksheet features a variety of division problems, including word problems, horizontal division, long division,…
Use this worksheet to have students work on completing long division in sample math problems. Encourage students to use…
Have children perform long division to solve these problems. To find the answers, students will be required to use…
In this long division worksheet, students divide each three-digit number by a single digit. In the first section,…
In this long division worksheet, students divide three-digit numbers by tens. In the first section, students use…
Give students more practice dividing by ones. In this long division worksheet, students divide each three-digit number…
Give students more practice dividing three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers with these long division problems. In the…
Students can use this long division worksheet to practice decimal division. Students must divide three-digit decimal…
Use this long division worksheet to give students more practice with decimal division. Students must divide three-digit…
Students will learn how to calculate the mean—or average—of each number list by adding the list and dividing by the…
For each number set in this statistics worksheet, students determine the mean, median, and mode.
Children practice multiplying and dividing by 10 to solve the horizontal multiplication and division problems in this…
Multiples of 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are reviewed in this multiplication worksheet. In each section, students will…