Students view a sequence of images and then finish the story in this creative writing exercise.
Students answer questions using complete sentences.
Develop word-usage skills with an activity that focuses on the proper use of irregular verbs.
Students fill in sentences using the appropriate verb in this word usage activity.
Students choose the correct verb to complete each sentence. This is good grammar practice for your elementary students.
Students identify correct sentences in this word-usage activity.
Develop word-usage skills with an activity that focuses on using "is" vs "are" and "was" vs "were."
Develop word-usage skills with an activity that focuses on using was/were correctly.
Develop word-usage skills with an activity that focuses on went and gone.
Develop word-usage skills with an activity that focuses on verbs.
Develop word-usage skills with an activity that focuses on creating the past form by adding -ed.
Practice identifying capitalization errors with this worksheet.
Develop word-usage skills with an activity that focuses on irregular verb forms.
Do you think cricket should be the national sport of Australia? In this worksheet, children will consider the history…
Discuss the Canadian Bill of Rights with students, then allow them to interpret each right into more meaningful language…
Have children explain how they relate to famous quotations and sayings in this writing activity.
Use the tools in this writing guide for teens to improving writing proficiency. Common Core-aligned writing tips and…
Some of the words used on Poptropica's Time Tangled Island may be unfamiliar to students. Here are some of the…
Some of the words used on Poptropica's 24 Carrot Island may be unfamiliar to students. Here are some of the vocabulary…
There are many words spoken by the characters on Poptropica's Mythology Island that may be unfamiliar to students. This…