Educate students about magnetism, the human body, and advances in medical technology with a reading passage and…
Students create a model of the path of a nerve impulse that includes an eye, a sensory neuron, an interneuron, and a…
Students investigate how the nervous system works by testing reaction time. Materials list, lab hints and tips, safety…
Students label a diagram of the brain, nerves, and sensation.
Students list ways that they can keep their brains healthy.
Students identify the various organs in the central and peripheral nervous systems. They also write a play in which…
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to the body systems.
Students identify an object in a paper bag by feeling it.
Send home a printable set of activities, which include drawing a picture of their favorite food, playing hide-and-seek,…
Students will be introduced to neurons: what they are, what they look like, their basic parts, and the "job" (function)…
Use a lesson that is designed to help students understand that the brain and the rest of the body are connected, and…
After reviewing the lesson where the students made neuron models and labeled the main parts (dendrites, cell body, axon…
Students will be introduced to the atypical brain condition called Lissencephaly. Students will understand that this…
Use a lesson that is intended to help students understand that the brain has many parts and that each part plays a…
Students will explore how our senses respond to information from the environment. Students will see that our brain plays…
Students will be introduced to several parts of the eye and their functions. This information will be used in the…
Use a lesson that uses the example of the human eye to explain how our sense organs are connected to the brain. Students…
Students will participate in the "Stroop Test," a well-known scientific activity, that can help them become more aware…
Students will be introduced to chromosome pairs and will create their own pair, using the chromosome they constructed in…
Students will use the chromosome pair models from lesson three to review typical chromosome pairs. Students will then be…
Students will learn fun factoids about neurons, and explore the nature of neurons.
Our bodies have many complex, highly interconnected bioelectrical circuits, which allow us to sense and react to changes…
Present this lesson plan to help students to begin to understand that the networking of circuits in a robot and in a…
These extensions will show students that the brain, not the eyes, is responsible for our ability to see depth. Students…