Explore Shakespeare's Richard III includes a variety of activities and discussion questions to stimulate students'…
Make Way for Ducklings is the ideal book to entertain and teach with. This lesson plan includes activities and resources…
This book discussion guide for The Day War Came, a story about a young girl struggling with her status as a refugee…
This teaching guide for A Bike Like Sergio's includes discussion questions, vocabulary builders, and standards-aligned…
Explore Macbeth includes a literary overview, suggestions for teaching the play, extended learning activities, and…
Examine the use of verse in Tolkien's The Hobbit through riddles and rhymes. This printable teacher's guide will help…
One of the most important themes of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar is the question of what qualities make up a good leader.…
The 1895 book The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane tells the story of a young farm boy who becomes a Union soldier…
Enhance reading abilities with an activity that enriches and expands children's language and emergent literacy skills.
This reading guide for Extra Credit, a story of two characters who cross a huge cultural divide and a minefield of…
In this compilation of lessons, activities, and worksheets, students learn that vocabulary words normally used to…
Study the effects of war through the eyes of a child. This teacher's guide for Stay Where You Are and Then Leave by John…
Use these Common Core reading and writing activities with The 13-Story Treehouse and The 26-story Treehouse by Andy…
Take young readers on an enthralling adventure with one of the most widely read series in the history of fantasy. The…
Extend students' enjoyment of Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade with discussion questions, worksheets, games,…
Supplement pupils' reading of The North Star, by Peter H. Reynolds, with fun classroom activities designed to encourage…
Open classroom discussion and help children recognize the broader meaning of God's Dream, written by Archbishop Desmond…
Build background knowledge in 19th-century history and culture with the lesson planning resources in this teacher's…
Help students experience Illyria with performance-based teaching strategies for Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Before…
As You Like It is one of Shakespeare's "marriage" comedies in which love's complications end in recognition of the true…
Discussion questions and extension activities that promote social-emotional skills like empathy, friendship, and…
Use this reader's guide with adult book groups.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Hansberry's Raisin in the Sun contains an annotated list of characters,…
Love, villainy, friendship, parent-child relationships, society, and customs – Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing…