In this children's book, a young immigrant attempts to adapt to the new world he has been thrust into. Our Teacher…
Enrichment activities and internet resources to enhance the teaching of Even Firefighters Hug Their Moms by Christine…
Teach children about teamwork, heroes, and friendship through discussion questions and activity suggestions for the…
Our teaching guide for Fly Girls: The Daring American Women Pilots Who Helped Win WWII contains various activities and…
Use the discussion questions, activities, and additional resources in this teaching guide for Rescue and Jessica: A…
Study themes of family, patriotism, fear, kindness, survival, and change with this teacher's guide to Angel on the…
Use these activity kits to extend your class reading of the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo series.
Reach reluctant readers with a captivating story that will delight baseball fans. This literature guide to Keeping Score…
Get a fresh perspective on what we eat with this teacher's guide to Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural…
This teaching guide for Bronze and Sunflower , a newly-revised children's classic by Chinese author Cao Wenxuan,…
Our Teacher Discussion Guide for EARTH! MY FIRST 4.54 BILLION YEARS, a novel that teaches students about the history of…
Our teacher discussion guide for Escape from Aleppo, a novel about a teenage girl experiencing the Arab Spring, contains…
Our teacher discussion guide for Fum, a fantastical coming-of-age story, contains questions and activities to help guide…
Support your students to think critically and demonstrate their reading comprehension with this reading guide for the…
Use a teaching guide that includes discussion ideas and activities for use with One Leaf Rides the Wind.
Explore teaching activities to be used with the Freddy the Pig Series by Walter R. Brooks.
Activities and resources to teach The Mountain That Loved a Bird, written by Alice McLerran and illustrated by Eric…
Enrichment activities, web resources, and literature tie-ins related to Sacagawea.
Use these lessons and activities with The Rainbow Tulip, by Pat Mora.
Use a teaching guide that includes character analysis, an overview of the novel, and study questions.
Enrichment activities and Internet resources to enhance teaching The Race of Toad and Deer by Pat Mora.
Introduce middle school students to the courts, the legal system, and the anatomy of a criminal trial through Theodore…
Motivate students to read independently with chapter book series. You're sure to find ones they'll love in this…
Spark students' imagination with the illustrations and mysterious captions in Chris Van Allsburg's The Mysteries of…