Distribute a guide about The Odyssey that provides discussion and essay questions as well as activities to precede,…
Download an educator's guide to the 2015 Newbery Medal-winning book The Crossover by Kwame Alexander. In this middle…
Use the classroom activities in this comprehensive teacher's guide to integrate Out of Wonder: Poems Celebrating Poets…
This teaching guide for A Child of Books includes activities, projects, discussion questions, printables and games that…
Beowulf is an epic poem written sometime around 900 A.D. and is well suited for students of all abilities. This…
An epic adventure poem from the beginning of Greek literature, The Iliad has long been attributed to the poet Homer,…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers tried and true techniques for bringing poetry into the lives of…
The Watch That Ends the Night: Voices from the Titanic provides mentor texts for poetry with the content of…
This printable teacher's guide for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight offers information and activities designed to spark…
Numerous language arts activities on vocabulary, letter writing, poetry, and reading comprehension extend and enhance…
Integrate Sharon Creech's Love That Dog and Hate That Cat into your poetry unit with this teacher's guide. This packet…
Author Betsy Franco suggests ways to use Messing Around on the Monkey Bars and Other School Poems for Two Voices in your…
Plan a story time with the reading instruction and extension activities in this guide for Earthshake: Poems from the…
These poetry lesson starters showcase the variety of ways poetry can be used to reach a range of learners with different…
Caminar, a novel in verse inspired by actual events during Guatemala's civil war, is the moving story of a boy who loses…
April is National Poetry Month, but poems are fun year-round! Explore the world of poetry with activities for Poem Runs:…
This discussion guide for Applesauce Weather includes questions suitable for in-class discussion or reflective writing,…
Incorporate creative arts into your curriculum through the poetry, drama, and discussion activities in this teacher's…
The poems in Swimming Upstream: Middle School Poems explore the social and emotional issues facing middle-school…
Preparation assignments, group discussion questions about lynching and civil rights, and many other resources are…
Have fun teaching your students about poetry with questions, writing assignments, and drama activities that extend and…
Bring attention to domestic violence and the damaging effects of silence through the pre- and post-reading discussion…
Use these questions to guide discussion about the poem In the Land of Words by Eloise Greenfield.
Study the world of children's poet laureate Jack Prelutsky with this teacher's guide to 12 of his poetry collections.…