This activity kit for Aaron Becker's "wordless" picture books consists of printables, activities and a guide for reading…
Enhance reading comprehension with a with a guide that provides classroom activities to be used with the Miss…
Kindergarten teachers, this classroom guide for Holler Loudly by Cynthia Leitich Smith is designed just for you! It…
Peg + Cat help young learners solve math problems in a new series of picture books based on the PBS Kids' Emmy…
This activity sheet for Also an Octopus from Candlewick Press includes drawing and matching activities, plus an…
Explore Colonial Times through literature and corresponding activities and lessons. Discover resources related to three…
Develop children's interest in reading with picture books by Kevin Henkes. This guide includes lesson-planning…
Use these fun activities to get students thinking about language while they read Amelia Bedelia.
Introduce your Princess in Black series readers to an array of Common Core-aligned language arts activities, discussion…
This activity sheet for Triangle from bestselling Candlewick Press authors Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen includes drawing…
The amazing and inspiring stories of these 14 young women are brought to life for a new generation of girls through a…
This is the Chinese version of the traditional story of Little Red Riding Hood. Three sisters, Shang, Tao, and Paotze,…
Enhance reading abilities with an activity that enriches and expands children's language and emergent literacy skills.
These teaching tips for Green Pants from Candlewick Press include fun drawing activities, discussion questions, and…
Our teacher guides for literature will help you extend the learning and enjoyment that your students get from reading…
Activities and resources to teach The Mountain That Loved a Bird, written by Alice McLerran and illustrated by Eric…
Connect science and literature with the fun activities in this classroom guide to Steve Jenkins's books. This printable…
Fun and interactive activities that supplement a unique look at the science of interplanetary travel! This guide…
These teaching tips for for Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick's "wordless" picture book Owl Bat Bat Owl include fun activities, a…
These teaching tips for Martin Waddell's classic picture book Farmer Duck from Candlewick Press include discussion…
Enhance your science curriculum with these activities and discussion questions about insects. Use the science and…
Teachers should use this guide before, during, and after reading Wiggle and Waggle with their class. It contains many…