Reinforce reading with meaningful writing activities for the Nikki and Deja Series by Karen English. Students will write…
The Arlene On the Scene Teacher's Guide offers over 50 pages of ideas for using the book as part of your English…
Enhance students understanding of the novel Forgiven by Janet Fox with the discussion questions and poetry prompts in…
Use the questions in this guide for Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John, a story about a deaf musician, to spark…
This printable contains discussion questions for the complete Relic Master Series by Catherine Fisher: The Dark City,…
Seventh-grader Celeste Harris was comfortable with her weight until her aunt signed her up for a plus-size beauty…
Learn about author John Green, discover what inspired him to write Looking For Alaska, and use the questions in this…
Review vocabulary, check reading comprehension, and have students make predictions for each chapter in The Fantastic…
After reading Homesick by Kate Klise, use the discussion questions in this printable guide to encourage further study of…
Satisfy fantasy fiction aficionados while meeting important Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards. Using the…
This teacher's guide to The Vespertine by Saundra Mitchell includes writing prompts and chapter-by-chapter vocabulary…
Modify these classroom resources for The Springsweet to best suite your students' needs. This guide includes vocabulary…
Encourage critical thinking about the dystopian world in Safekeeping with the pre-reading activity, thematic questions…
Extend students enjoyment of On the Road to Mr. Mineo's by Barbara O'Connor with projects for reading, writing, and art.…
Enrichment activities, web resources, and literature tie-ins related to Zitkala-Sa's collection American Indian Stories,…
Our discussion guide for The Summer of Owen Todd, a novel about a boy keeping his abuse a secret, provides resources to…
The Sea Chest is a heartfelt story about a lonely young girl on an isolated Maine lighthouse island whose only wish…
Lessons, activities, and references for teaching Running Loose by Chris Crutcher.
Get ready to go on a cosmic adventure with the crew of Galactic Hot Dogs! This online comic, published exclusively on…
Use these discussion questions for A Diamond in the Desert by Kathryn Fitzmaurice to examine the meaning of characters'…
Introduce your class to Stink Moody! After reading Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid and Stink and the Incredible…
Atlas Shrugged is the story of a man who says that he will stop the motor of the world, and does. The deterioration of…
Reflect on the plot, theme, and characters in Rachel Vail's If We Kiss with 12 discussion questions about the book.
Use this fun teacher's guide to explore fairy tales, including works by Hans Christian Andersen, modern versions of…