This Newbery Medal winner tells the mythical tale of a legendary hero: 12 year old Jeffrey Magee – known as Maniac…
After reading The Misfits, use the discussion questions in this guide to examine the events in the book and develop…
This teacher's guide to The Soccer Fence: A story of friendship, hope, and apartheid in South Africa contains reading,…
During the 1950s and early 1960s, African American workers at many large-scale bakery factories weren't allowed to work…
After reading Candy Shop, use these questions and cross-curricular activities to encourage classroom discussion on…
Enhance understanding of the Holocaust with a teaching guide that offers resources for discussing the horrific event. …
Call Me By My Name by John Ed Bradley will open students' eyes to the transition to integration in the South. This…
Learn about the unsung civil rights hero Claudette Colvin. These book discussion questions and service learning projects…
Use this teacher's guide with The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine to study the "Lost Year" (1958-59), when all…
Examine the origins of hate and racism with ten in-depth lesson plans that incorporate historic sources cited in or…
Introduce young students to the work of Nobel prize-winning writer Toni Morrison in Remember, a narrated pictorial…
Preparation assignments, group discussion questions about lynching and civil rights, and many other resources are…
Promote thoughtful discussion on race, language, civil rights, and diversity with this printable discussion guide for…
After reading Feathers with your class, use the questions in this reading guide to start a discussion about race,…
Enrich pupils' reading experience with classroom discussion questions and activities for Game, a novel by Walter Dean…
Share this reading guide to Julius Lester's Guardian with your students. It includes class discussion questions and…
Promote class discussion about genetic discrimination and the theme, plot, characters, and events in The Diary of Pelly…
The questions in this printable reader's guide will help you and your class explore social issues in American history…
Encourage critical thinking and discussion with comprehension questions for Kristine Levine's The Best Bad Luck I Ever…
Enhance students' understanding of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with the reading activities and questions in this…
This printable discussion guide for Golden Boy by Tara Sullivan includes discussion questions, Common Core-aligned…
Teach students about the worst homefront disaster in World War II through a captivating true story. This teacher's guide…
Angel Island: Gateway to Gold Mountain is a compelling story of Chinese immigration to America. The nonfiction text by…
Use young adult literature to initiate thoughtful classroom discussion about death, loss, friendship, gangs, and…