Review the enrichment activities and web resources created for The Very Hungry Caterpillar, plus a bibliography of Eric…
Extend and enhance children's enjoyment of Curious George's First Day of School with the lesson planning resources in…
Explore teaching activities to be used with Mr. Men & Little Miss Books by Roger Hargreaves. These books cover basic…
Learn how you can use Mad Libs© in your classroom to teach reading and language arts. These activities are a fun way to…
Celebrate International Dot Day with these creative activities! International Dot Day, based on best-selling author…
Cover the topic of sibling rivalry with this book for younger readers, My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother.
Enhance reading abilities with an activity about Ezra Jack Keats's book The Snowy Day that enriches and expands…
This activity kit for Aaron Becker's "wordless" picture books consists of printables, activities and a guide for reading…
Introduce students to the life and philosophy of Henry David Thoreau through the Henry Bear picture books and related…
Students will love reading The Story of Ferdinand, the tale of a bull who follows his heart to find happiness. This…
This guide consists of discussion questions and classroom extension activities that can be used when reading, teaching,…
Use this activity kit to extend your class reading of The Little Engine That Could, now freshly illustrated by Loren…
A wealth of resources, lesson plans, and activities that can be used with the story Teammates by Peter Golenbock.
Use Ezra Jack Keats's book Whistle for Willie to enhance children's reading abilities. Discussion prompts, activities,…
Stellaluna is a baby bat who is separated from her mother at a young age. This lesson includes extension ideas and…
Laura Joffe Numeroff's humorous book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie tells the story of a demanding mouse and the child who…
The Keeping Quilt is a multi-generational story that follows a beloved quilt from one family member to another. The…
Keep children involved in learning about nutrition with these activities for Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell. This…
This teaching guide for the picture book Those Shoes provides read-aloud guidance, extension and writing activities, and…
Ideas and activities for reading Miss Nelson is Missing.
This book discussion guide for The Day War Came, a story about a young girl struggling with her status as a refugee…
Make Way for Ducklings is the ideal book to entertain and teach with. This lesson plan includes activities and resources…
This teaching guide for A Bike Like Sergio's includes discussion questions, vocabulary builders, and standards-aligned…