This printable quiz tests pupils on their knowledge of the rules and history of football, one of the most popular…
How does your students' knowledge of their favorite sports measure up? Give students this sport measurements quiz to…
This multiple-choice quiz about weather forecasting includes questions on the instruments meteorologists use to gather…
Quiz students on asteroids, comets, and the eight planets in our solar system, with this multiple-choice quiz.
Test your students' knowledge of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a quiz on the book. Use this printable as an…
This printable quiz contains a variety of vocabulary words needed for an in-depth study of geography. Assess your…
This matching activity will help students learn about the Canadian provinces and territories and their capital cities.…
Give pupils this printable multiple-choice quiz to teach them more about Benedict Arnold, the American Revolutionary…
Use this printable quiz to teach pupils about the Scouts organisation, which was founded in England by Robert…
It's all about survival of the fittest – or the most creative. What do your students know about these unique animal…
Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians – how much do your students know about the animal kingdom?
Test students' knowledge of the Earth and the Moon. This multiple-choice quiz includes questions about a lunar eclipse,…
This quiz will test your students' understanding of the United States. You'll find questions on everything from state…
Distribute a rubric that focuses on assessing persuasive and descriptive writing, as well as mechanics.
Test your students' knowledge of the Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince film. This is a fun activity to combine the…
Use this printable multiple choice quiz to test pupils about the life of Queen Elizabeth II. This is a more intensive…
Bats are fascinating creatures: flying, nocturnal mammals that navigate by sonar. What else do your students know about…
We all love a good scare now and then. Give students this quiz near Halloween to test their knowledge on gremlins,…
In this life science quiz, students name the parent animal of each baby animal.
Quiz students about how the Sun affects Earth's weather with these multiple-choice questions.
Evaluate students' participation and productivity within a group activity. This printable provides an excellent place…
Handout a printable activity that asks students to name specific U.S. states.
Use this printable geography quiz to assess students' knowledge of the names of the states of the Northeastern region of…
Handout a printable activity that asks students to identify a few U.S. states.