A selection of report card comments specifically suitable for appraising aspects of student performance during distance…
150 ready-to-use report card comments and phrases on social/emotional learning traits, character, attitude, and…
Download for free! This article describes analytic and holistic rubrics and lists the advantages of each. Using the…
This sheet of multiple-choice bubble answers is ready to be filled in by your students. It features 50 items with…
Distribute an article that explains what rubrics are, gives an easy-to-understand example, and lists their advantages.
Review facts about vertebrates and invertebrates with this word-fill activity. Students will use the terms in the word…
Share an article that shows how you can apply weights to different criteria, making some elements more important than…
This assessment printable includes Scantron® sheets for 100 multiple-choice questions. Use this resource as an answer…
Can't find the right rubric? Make your own! This blank grid will make it easy for you to create your own rubrics. This…
Exit tickets are a form of assessment that are often used informally as a check for understanding at the end of a…
The step-by-step process of creating an original rubric.
Distribute an article that describes how to create student-inspired rubrics.
Have your students take this fact or opinion fun quiz on the summer.
Use a fill-in-the-blank activity that reinforces drug/medicine prevention rules.
Students take a "did you know" quiz about viruses.
Test your students' knowledge of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a quiz on the book. Use this printable as an…
This printable quiz contains a variety of vocabulary words needed for an in-depth study of geography. Assess your…
Use this rubric with the lesson plan.
This elementary school diagnostic math assessment for back to school is designed to help you benchmark your students'…
This quiz will test your students' understanding of the United States. You'll find questions on everything from state…
Assessment is an important tool in the classroom; make sure your evaluation is accurate. These tips will help improve…
Handout a printable activity that asks students to color land and water on a world map and helps them distinguish…