George Orwell's thought-provoking novel 1984 covers the themes of dehumanization, isolation, repression, loneliness,…
This collection of ideas will help students to love poetry from creation to recitation.
Use this icebreaker activity to support your students to get to know each other. All you will need are small bags of…
Teach students about cooperation with this introductory coloring activity before beginning collaborative in-class or…
Students cut out pictures of household items and classify them as things that come from plants and things that don't…
This e-book, created by TeacherVision Advisory Board Member Mikaela, features a collection of STEM challenges that can…
Use this interview sheet as an icebreaker to help your pupils get to know their classmates, and to encourage everyone to…
Use the table in this physical science printable to compare the properties of solutions, colloids, and suspensions. For…
Scoots are a way for students to practice math skills on the move! Question cards are placed around the room and on…
Use a School Readiness Activity to provide early language thinking experiences for preschool children that will prepare…
Try a printable science activity that focuses on volcano words.
Pupils love this sweet activity! They learn about solvents by timing how quickly chocolate dissolves in their mouth when…
The five major kingdoms of living organisms are reviewed in this activity. Lesson plan and background information are…
Extra credit project for the lesson Musical Roots.
Enhance your students' reading of any book with activities designed to aid comprehension with a and spark their…
Introduce students to Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's most popular novel, through a book synopsis and author…
This is a fun Back To School take on a Turn and Talk. You can print out these cards, put your students into pairs, and…
This fun "getting to know you" activity is perfect as an over the summer or back-to-school icebreaker/introduction.…
Browse a printable book of teacher resources that focuses on different areas of the library. Students will learn about…
Students make a brachiosaurus out of paper plates. This is a fun arts and crafts activity for International Dinosaur…
Try a printable science activity that focuses on facts about volcanoes.
Distribute this printable activity to your K-1 students to test their understanding of spatial relationships. In this…
Solve this logic problem with your students involving their family. This worksheet includes several FutureFit Extension…