Use a this worksheet to teach your students about the different phases of the moon. The printable and interactive…
Try a printable creative writing activity that focuses on fantasizing about life on other planets.
Try a printable science activity that illustrates the cosmological phenomenon of the Big Bang. Students learn how…
Students learn how and why solar eclipses occur with this hands-on science activity. They create their own eclipse using…
Develop student science skills with an activity that focuses on facts about the sun.
Allow students to learn about outer space while you're away from your classroom with this substitute teacher kit for…
Students build a scale model of the solar system. This activity includes Pluto as a planet, even though it is now…
Compare each planet's diameter, distance from the Sun, and number of moons in this enrichment activity for space…
Students cut apart and put together a puzzle of the moon.
In this space science activity, students use information about temperature to correctly color the North Star, Procyon B,…
Students will refer to the information about light-years in the reading passage and table to calculate how far away…
Students create "trading cards" of the sun and other objects in the solar system to demonstrate their understanding of…
Students measure a paper plate, then step back five steps and measure it again, to understand why the sun looks smaller…
Students view pictures of the Zodiac constellations, and learn the best time to see them.
Students learn the sizes of the planets and compare them to Earth. This activity includes Pluto as a planet, even though…
Have your students play pictionary with questions about the planets.
Fun and interactive activities that supplement a unique look at the science of interplanetary travel! This guide…
Students will learn about space, stars, planets, and more by writing stories and participating in other creative…
Students make a booklet to tell a story.
Students draw a picture of the day sky and a picture of the night sky.
Browse a printable teacher resource book on astronomy that is full of ideas for you to use in your elementary classroom.…
Browse a printable book of resources for teachers, which provides many different hands-on science activities using…
The teacher mixes the ingredients of a comet to simulate the real thing for students.