Learn about the science behind nutrition, and get the resources necessary to give your students an understanding of…
Easy and fun hands-on chemistry experiment Students learn about molecules and solutions with this hands-on science…
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates students' ability to use data and charts to find foods that meet daily…
With this slideshow, you'll discover many useful health- and nutrition-themed activities. All of these worksheets and…
Create a class garden with this lesson plan. Your students will observe the growth of the plants after the garden has…
Use this worksheet in conjunction with the "Math and Recipes" lesson.
In this science lesson plan, elementary students will learn about dinosaurs that were meat eaters versus plant eaters,…
Pupils love this sweet activity! They learn about solvents by timing how quickly chocolate dissolves in their mouth when…
Students will use reference materials to answer questions about bacteria and food poisoning in this life science…
Keep children involved in learning about nutrition with these activities for Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell. This…
Combining chemistry with home economics yields an inspiring lesson.
In this science activity, elementary students cooperatively design, build, and race cars made from fresh produce.
Teach students about acetic acid with this hands-on science project. Students make bounceable eggs using vinegar, water,…
Students match 32 foods with the words "every day" or "once in a while."
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates students' ability to accurately extract data, including fat calories and…
Use a printable that contains large patterns of various fruits.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on fruits/vegetables.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on identifying the byproducts of plants.
To lure ants for classroom study, students apply their knowledge of this insect to create ant bodies using candy.
Use this vocabulary list with the Math and Recipes lesson.
The object of this activity is to make students aware that most foods contain sugar and that sugar comes in many…
Use this teacher's guide to teach students key mathematical concepts of estimation and measurement. In this article, the…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to the microwave oven.
In this social studies activity, children learn a recipe from Colonial times.